Delphi Const Array

  1. Delphi Const Array Enum

Procedure TForm1.getp(P: array of TVarRec; Args: array of const); var i:integer; begin for I:= Low(Args) to High (Args) do begin p[i].VType:=args[i].VType; case Args[I].VType of vtInteger: p[i].VInteger:=Args[I].VInteger; vtBoolean: p[i].VBoolean:=Args[i].VBoolean; VtChar: p[i].VPchar:=Args[i].VPchar; end; // case end; end; ======================= Test: ======================= var pp:array of TVarRec; begin getp(pp,[111,'str']); showmessage(pp[1].VPChar); showmessage(inttostr(pp[0].VInteger) ); end; Why doesn't work? Spongebob movie 3d game.

Delphi Const Array Enum

In XE7 you can declare a dynamic array constant like this: const MyArray: TArray = ['First','Second','Third']. Is there a way in Delphi declaring.

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